Silver Spring, MD Criminal Defense Attorney
Experienced Criminal Defense Representation for Clients in Silver Spring, MD
You probably had a moment of complete panic when you were arrested - few people feel perfectly calm when they are hadcuffed. Even if you are perfectly innocent or there is strong evidence that you were acting in self-defense, you might be very worried about what the outcome of your case will be. Criminal courts can be unpredictable. Knowing and asserting all of your rights is incredibly important. When you are facing criminal charges, you need a highly experienced criminal defense attorney.
Diamant Gerstein, LLC works strategically to present the best criminal defense possible. We will review every aspect of your case to search for possible defenses. We consider everything from whether the police respected your constitutional right to be free from unreasonable searches to whether there is enough evidence to convince a jury that you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
Defending an Assault or Domestic Violence Case
Assault and domestic violence are not treated as separate offenses in Maryland. Assaults against members of your family or romantic partners are charged as assault. The court does flag cases where the victim and defendant had a domestic relationship, which may result in the police or probation department monitoring you more closely. These cases are more likely to result in jail time or longer terms of probation.
Restraining orders are often issued during assault cases, especially when the victim and offender have a domestic relationship. If a restraining order is issued, it is important to follow its terms precisely. The biggest problem occurs when the victim and defendant live in the same household. In that case, a restraining order means that the defendant cannot go home, except with a police escort to collect a few personal belongings. This can result in instant homelessness, even though you have not yet had a chance to defend yourself.
Assaults against people you do not have a domestic relationship with are generally less serious. For example, getting in a bar fight with a stranger where no one was seriously hurt is more likely to result in probation than jail time. However, assault can be charged as a felony and carry serious jail time if the victim sustains major injuries or a weapon is used.
DUI and Traffic Crimes Lawyer in Silver Spring, MD
Our experienced attorneys can help with traffic offenses, including:
- First DUI - A first DUI can be seen as an opportunity to seek substance abuse treatment with accountability. How your lawyer approaches the case can have a major impact on the outcome. You may also have a defense you are unaware of. For example, your chemical tests might have been mishandled, resulting in an inaccurate B.A.C. measurement.
- Repeat DUIs - Courts may treat repeat DUI offenders harshly, as people who habitually drive drunk can be a danger to the public. The more DUIs you have, the more likely the court is to believe that you need to be imprisoned to protect the public. You need an experienced attorney to put forth the strongest defense possible.
- Driving without a license - Driving without a valid license that is physically in your possession can lead to criminal charges in Maryland. Your case might be more serious if you were aware that your license was suspended or you never had a license to begin with, or less serious if you simply left your valid driver's license in your other purse.
- Reckless Driving - Dangerous driving is taken seriously in Maryland. Drivers who are speeding excessively, weaving in and out of lanes, or engaging in other activities while driving can endanger the public.
Contact a Silver Spring, MD Criminal Defense Lawyer
At Diamant Gerstein, LLC, we craft smart, strategic defenses. Our dedicated Silver Spring, MD criminal defense lawyers will strive to keep your record clean wherever possible. Contact us at 301-560-2685 for a confidential consultation.