Rockville, MD Uncontested Divorce Lawyer
Experienced Attorney for Out-of-Court Divorce in Rockville, MD
The idea of working with your spouse to resolve your divorce out of court might sound absurd, but it is by far the most common way people get divorced in modern times. While you may not like the idea of divorce mediation or negotiating with your spouse, you will probably find that it is preferable to litigation. Contested divorce can be a long and arduous process for everyone involved. Although it is sometimes necessary, most spouses are able to get divorced without going through a trial.
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is highly experienced in helping spouses reach an agreement and file an uncontested divorce. We are able to help even warring spouses engage in negotiations and find fair, reasonable, and practical solutions to complex issues in divorce. We are particularly skilled in dealing with high-net-worth divorces involving complicated financial issues and in working with parents who will need a child custody plan. Our law firm is available 24/7, so you can reach us any time you need us.
Who Will Uncontested Divorce Work For?
Nearly any couple can achieve an uncontested divorce with help from a skilled attorney. You are most likely to succeed in reaching a divorce agreement if:
- Your divorce is amicable - Amicable divorce is often easily resolved through mediation.
- You are both committed parents - Children benefit greatly from seeing that their parents are able to put aside their differences and work together for their benefit. Going to court can be hard for children, as it exposes them to the conflict in your marriage. If both parties are willing to put the children's needs first, you are very likely to be able to resolve your divorce without a trial.
- You share little marital property - The fewer shared assets you have, the less conflict there is likely to be over your property.
- You were married a short time - The less time you spent married, the less entwined your finances are likely to be. It is also less likely that either party would be entitled to alimony.
Advantages of an Uncontested Divorce
Uncontested divorce offers a lot of advantages, including:
- Faster resolution - Courts move slowly when a case of any kind goes to trial. It can take years to finalize a divorce through litigation, even if the divorce is relatively uncomplicated.
- Less cost - Litigating a divorce can be costly. Uncontested divorce may sometimes mean compromising on what assets you will receive, but doing so may be financially advantageous in the long run.
- More privacy - Anything that happens in court is likely to become a matter of public record. Very personal evidence can sometimes be introduced.
- Greater flexibility - Courts are limited in the type of decisions they can make. You and your spouse can agree to more creative and flexible solutions than a court could order.
How an Uncontested Divorce Works
You have options on how to approach an uncontested divorce. One option is to work with a mediator. In traditional mediation, you, your spouse, and your attorneys all sit down with a mediator, who guides you through each issue in your divorce. If you do not believe that would be productive, the mediator can keep you and your spouse separated and move back and forth between you.
Another option is attorney-facilitated negotiation. This is often the best solution if your spouse is a narcissist, manipulative, abusive, or mentally ill. You and your spouse will have no direct contact. Rather, your attorneys will speak to each other and relay offers and potential solutions to you and your spouse.
Contact a Rockville, MD Uncontested Divorce Attorney
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is committed to helping spouses resolve their divorces without going through the stress of a trial. Our dedicated Rockville, MD uncontested divorce lawyers will help you find the right approach to resolving your divorce out of court. Contact us at 301-560-2685 for a complimentary consultation.