Bethesda, MD Divorce Attorney
Skilled Divorce Lawyers Advocating for Clients in Bethesda, MD
Divorce can be complicated. There can be hundreds of small issues in even a simple divorce case, and all of them will need to be resolved before your divorce can be finalized. The road between an initial petition for divorce and a final divorce decree can be long and treacherous. You may think you are nearing a resolution only to find out that your spouse now wants to fight back on an issue you thought was settled a long time ago. The entire time, you are faced with uncertainty about the outcome. Will you be able to keep the family home? How much time will you have to spend with your children?
Diamant Gerstein, LLC has the legal knowledge and experience needed to fight for you on every issue, big and small. Our dedicated Bethesda, MD divorce lawyers will work to ensure that your most important goals are met. If you are working towards an uncontested divorce, we will take on the work of negotiating with your spouse on your behalf so that you can focus on your own well-being during this challenging time. If you are preparing for litigation, we will formulate the strongest legal arguments possible.
Divorce When Your Spouse is a Narcissist
Divorcing a narcissist can be just as hard as being married to one. Because narcissists believe that they should always come first, they are reluctant to compromise. They are also more likely to contest a divorce, believing that the court will side with them in all regards. Finally, a narcissist may use lies and manipulation to get his or her way, even when negotiating child custody.
Having a no-nonsense attorney by your side is critical. It is best to avoid direct contact with your spouse wherever possible and let your attorney represent you in settlement discussions.
Issues to Be Decided in Divorce
Just a few of the numerous issue that will need to be resolved during your divorce include:
- When each parent spends time with the children - Physical child custody is often the most emotionally fraught issue in a divorce.
- Where each parent sees the children - One parent may request that the other only have supervised visitation, or visitation outside the home.
- Who makes important decisions about the children - You will need to determine which parent gets to make decisions like where the children should go to school or whether one of them should have an elective surgery.
- Who keeps the family home - You can also choose to sell the house and split the profits.
- How to divide complex assets - In a high-net-worth marriage, you and your spouse may share profitable assets, like rental properties, or assets that are hard to divide, like stocks.
- Whether one party will pay alimony - Alimony is often a hotly contested issue. Alimony is particularly likely to be an issue if one spouse was a homemaker, if you are wealthy, or if you are older in age.
- Whether one parent will pay child support - Child support is commonly ordered when parents get divorced. Both parties' respective income and how much time each parent spends with the children will be considered.
Two Ways to Resolve a Divorce
You can choose to go to trial, or to resolve your divorce out of court with the help of your attorneys. Most spouses are able to successfully reach an agreement, even if they are in conflict. Your attorneys can represent you in negotiations if you feel that mediation would be unproductive. If an agreement is unlikely or your spouse will not be fair to you, litigation may be your best option.
Contact a Bethesda, MD Divorce Lawyer
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is committed to zealous advocacy for our clients. Our experienced attorneys will use sound legal reasoning to work towards a favorable outcome. Contact us at 301-560-2685 for a complimentary consultation.