Rockville, MD Restraining Orders Attorney
Dedicated Lawyer for Orders of Protection in Rockville, MD
Restraining orders can be ordered as part of a criminal case when one party has been charged with domestic violence, child abuse, or a related crime. These orders can also be issued during a divorce when there is some evidence that one party has abused, threatened, or harassed the other. It is also possible to go to court just to get a restraining order when there is no other case open, which is common if the parties were not married when the alleged acts of abuse occurred. Getting a restraining order can be an excellent way to protect yourself during a contentious divorce. If one is ordered against you, the consequences of violating it can be severe.
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is highly knowledgeable when it comes to obtaining a restraining order or dealing with its enforcement. We can help with both civil and criminal orders of protection. Our dedicated restraining order and domestic violence attorneys answer phone calls personally, so you will never need to go through a receptionist to reach your lawyer. We are available 24/7 to our clients.
Restraining Orders During Divorce
The stresses of divorce can create even more conflict between spouses. If there has already been abuse in your marriage, or if your spouse is harassing or threatening you, it may be time to seek a restraining order promptly. A restraining order can tell your spouse not to contact you at all, or to use a certain method of approved communication if you are co-parents and need to discuss matters involving your children.
It can also immediately remove your spouse from the family home, even if the home is in his or her name. Your spouse can also be ordered to stay away from your workplace, your children's schools, or other places you frequently visit.
Restraining Orders During Criminal Proceedings
A criminal restraining order is a fair bit more serious than a civil restraining order. Following the order is usually a condition of pretrial release if you are currently out on bond. Failing to obey a protection order can mean that you will have to return to jail until your case is resolved. Breaking the terms of a restraining order is also a separate criminal offense. Whether or not you committed the act of domestic violence you are accused of, obeying the terms of the restraining order is critical.
What to Do if You Are Served With a Protection Order
If the protection order was issued by a civil court, you will have an opportunity to contest it very soon. The best thing you can do is to secure legal representation and plan to attend the hearing. Violating a civil order of protection can get you arrested. In a criminal case, the restraining order is likely to stand or be dropped depending on the outcome of your case.
You must follow the terms of the protection order precisely. If the order tells you not to return to the family home, you will need to find somewhere else to stay immediately. You will need to contact the police to arrange a time to go home and collect a few personal possessions, like clothing. If the order tells you not to contact your spouse, do not seek to avoid this requirement by asking a third party to contact him or her on your behalf, emailing her from a new account, or making social media posts addressed to him. Your attorney can provide further advice to ensure your compliance with the protection order.
Contact a Rockville, MD Restraining Orders Attorney
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is committed to providing outstanding representation to people who are dealing with legal issues pertaining to a restraining order. Our experienced Rockville, MD order of protection lawyers can help with civil or criminal restraining orders. Contact us at 301-560-2685 for a confidential consultation.