Potomac, MD Divorce Attorney
Accessible Divorce Lawyer Fighting for Clients in Potomac, MD
Your divorce may have come about suddenly - perhaps you thought everything was fine until your spouse abruptly served you with a petition for divorce one day, or you may have been the one to file days after catching your spouse being unfaithful. Alternatively, your marriage may have been breaking down for years. You may have been unhappy in your marriage for a long time, but hopeful that things would get better. Some spouses try to stay together until the children are grown, only to realize that the children would be better off growing up between two happy households than in one unhappy home. Whatever your reasons for getting divorced, and however long you have been preparing for this, divorce can be a difficult process.
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is here to guide you through your divorce, step by step. Our experienced Potomac, MD divorce lawyers will be here to answer all your questions and make sure you are always up to date on what is happening in your case. We will take the time to understand which issues are most important to you and what you need out of your divorce so that we can offer you the best representation possible.
Understanding Physical and Legal Child Custody
Child custody is divided into physical and legal custody. Physical custody refers to which parent is physically with the child, while legal custody refers to decision-making powers. Both types of custody are usually shared by divorced parents. This means that each parent gets to spend some time with the child, although the child's time may not be divided evenly. Likewise, each parent will probably have some decision-making responsibility when it comes to things like what type of medical care the child should receive.
Options for Child Custody Arrangements
There are many ways for parents to schedule their child's time after a divorce. If the parents live close to each other, a 50/50 split may work well. If the parents live at a greater distance, it may be better for the children to stay with one parent during the school week and stay with the other during weekends and school holidays. Other parents, particularly those who are in the military or work odd hours, may require greater flexibility.
Dividing Complex Assets in High-Net-Worth Divorce
Some marital assets are easier to divide than others. Money in a retirement or bank account can be divided evenly. A house cannot. Dividing a business might devalue it if it is not handled correctly. Figuring out how to fairly divide stock holdings can be challenging. If you are going through a high-asset divorce, it is important to have an attorney who understands the division of complex assets. Dividing your marital property will require special care from an experienced lawyer.
When is Alimony Ordered in a Divorce?
Alimony can be a hotly contested issue. One spouse may truly need it while preparing to re-enter the workforce, while the other spouse is highly reluctant to continue supporting the person he or she is divorcing. Alimony is most likely when one spouse gave up career or educational opportunities to stay home and raise the children, or when one party is disabled and will never be self-sufficient. These payments may be ordered on a temporary basis to allow a homemaker spouse time to seek job training or schooling.
Who Keeps the Family Home in a Divorce?
A home is often a family's most valuable asset. One option is for the spouse who keeps the home to give up other valuable property in exchange. However, if this is not a practical solution because your house far outvalues all other assets, it may be best to sell the home and share the proceeds.
Contact a Potomac, MD Divorce Lawyer
Diamant Gerstein, LLC can guide you through each and every issue in your divorce. Our knowledgeable Potomac, MD divorce attorneys will do all we can to get you a fair and favorable divorce decree. Contact us at 301-560-2685 for a complimentary consultation.