Rockville, MD Hidden Assets in a High Net-Worth Divorce Lawyer
Aggressive High-Asset Divorce Lawyer in Rockville, MD
Each spouse should enter and leave a marriage with a full understanding of his or her spouse's finances. If you suspect that your spouse is concealing assets from you as you prepare to file for divorce, your attorney can take steps to reveal any hidden money or other property. Your spouse may have been hiding assets throughout the marriage, or may have begun concealing money only when he or she realized that divorce was imminent. Either way, you may have a claim to these assets. Almost any money or property acquired by either spouse during the marriage legally belongs to both spouses to some degree. It is best to ensure that your attorney has found any hidden assets before your divorce is finalized, even if it means delaying proceedings.
Diamant Gerstein, LLC has experience in finding assets that one spouse is wrongfully concealing from the other. This is very common in high-net-worth divorce. Either party might be highly financially motivated to keep a secret bank account, or even a real estate property his or her spouse does not know about. Our attorneys will do all we can to ensure that all of your spouse's assets have been revealed and accounted for in your divorce decree.
The Role of Financial Restraining Orders
If there is reason to suspect that your spouse would start trying to hide money upon being served with divorce papers, one step we can take to prevent this is to have the court issue financial restraining orders. A financial restraining order can freeze certain accounts, preventing your spouse from withdrawing and concealing money, or diverting shared assets into his or her own hidden accounts.
People involved in high-asset divorce may try to hide assets by using shared money to purchase valuable assets that can be disingenuously transferred to another party. Cryptocurrency purchases are sometimes used to hide large sums of money drawn from a shared account. Financial restraining orders can reduce the likelihood of your spouse attempting these methods.
Signs That Your Spouse is Hiding Assets
Any time there is money or property missing without a good explanation, there is reason to suspect that your spouse is concealing assets. If he or she anticipates being served with divorce papers, you should begin taking care to monitor your accounts and personal property. Signs that your spouse is hiding assets include:
- Abrupt changes in pay - If your spouse claims to have taken a pay cut, or if the way his or her salary appears in your bank account has changed, your spouse may be diverting a portion of his or her income into a separate account. For example, if your spouse has always had direct deposit, and a change to paper checks coincides with a pay cut, you should be suspicious.
- New spending patterns - If your spouse has suddenly started spending more money, he or she could be purchasing and concealing valuable goods. If your spouse has never been a gambler and is suddenly claiming to have lost money in a casino, this may suggest that he or she is hiding it.
- Personal property is missing - If valuable items have vanished from around your home with no satisfactory explanation, your spouse may have placed them in a safe deposit box or in the care of a third party to hide them from you.
- Large personal gifts - If your spouse is withdrawing substantial sums of money and claims to be making gifts to loved ones, or even to charities, you should try to verify where the money has gone.
- Mail from unknown financial institutions - If your spouse is receiving mail from a financial institution you are unfamiliar with, he or she may have a secret account.
Contact a Rockville, MD High-Asset Divorce Lawyer
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is adept in finding hidden assets. Our skilled Rockville, MD high-net-worth divorce lawyers will work to reveal any assets your spouse is attempting to conceal. Contact us at 301-560-2685 for a confidential consultation.