Frederick, MD Divorce Attorney
Knowledgeable Divorce Lawyer Representing Clients in Frederick, MD
No one expects to get divorced. When you got married, you likely thought that your marriage would last forever. Unfortunately, real life is not a romance movie where couples are meant to be together and will never face insurmountable odds in their relationship. You can still live happily ever after when your marriage ends. In fact, most people who get divorced are far happier without the spouse who was making them miserable. You will be free to pursue your own interests, meet new people, and even fall in love again with someone who is a better match for you.
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is here to advocate for you during your divorce. Our experienced Frederick, MD divorce attorneys will do all we can to make sure you receive the property you are entitled to and the time with your children you - and they - deserve. We answer our phone calls personally, so you will always be able to reach your attorney directly without going through a receptionist. Our firm is available 24/7, so you can always get the answers you need when you need them.
What to Expect From the Divorce Process
Divorce does not have to be a long and drawn-out courtroom drama, although it can certainly become one. Most spouses in modern times have uncontested divorces through mediation or attorney-led negotiation. You will need to agree on each issue, including child custody and division of marital property, to resolve your divorce without going through a trial. While the idea of working with your spouse to write your own divorce decree may seem intimidating or unpleasant, our lawyers are highly experienced in resolving even highly contentious divorces this way.
An out-of-court resolution is very possible even if you and your spouse are in the midst of a heated conflict. We can work with your spouse or your spouse's attorney on your behalf to negotiate a divorce agreement you will be happy with - and you will never need to have direct contact with your spouse. When you have an agreement, you, your spouse, and the court will all sign off on it and it will be entered the same way a judgment would.
If no agreement can be reached, litigation is the next step. This means going to court and having a judge decide on each issue after both parties have presented evidence and made their arguments.
Leveling the Family Law Playing Field for Fathers
Women can be unfairly favored in family law courts, particularly when it comes to child custody, but also when property is divided. It is rare to come across a case where a father has won primary custody of the children and the mother pays alimony and child support. Stay-at-home dads who have given up their careers run the risk of being seen as "unemployed," rather than as valuable homemakers and parents.
Our attorneys strive to eliminate any gender-based biases during divorce. We view mothers and fathers as equal parents and wives and husbands as equally capable partners. We will advocate for you based on the facts of your specific case. Are you the primary caregiver for your children? Have you sacrificed your career goals to support your spouse's? What are your actual relative earnings? These are the kinds of questions we ask.
Contact a Dedicated Frederick, MD Divorce Lawyer
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is committed to providing the best representation possible to people who are going through a divorce. Our experienced Frederick, MD divorce attorneys will do all we can to achieve a resolution you are happy with. Contact us at 301-560-2685 for a confidential consultation.