Rockville, MD Prenuptial Agreements Attorney
Experienced Family Law Attorney Protecting Individual Property in Rockville, MD
If you are getting married soon, getting the right prenuptial agreement can be one of the best ways to protect yourself. Creating one with your spouse-to-be is also an excellent way to ensure that you can communicate well about issues that are difficult to discuss and be fair to one another even when you disagree. These are both hallmarks of a strong relationship. Those who take the time to sit down and create a prenuptial agreement often do not need them. However, anything can happen in life. You never know where your marriage journey will end. If you do find that things change after you say your vows and you want to get divorced, you will be well-prepared and well-protected.
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is a family-operated law firm where we meet the needs of each client and their families through individualized representation. We are skilled in balancing your personal priorities with the overall needs of your marriage. Our attorneys answer all of their calls personally, so you will never go through a receptionist when you need to talk to your lawyer.
The Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement
Having a legal agreement in place that sets out how you would divide your marital assets if you choose to end your marriage in the future can offer you a lot of security and peace of mind. Some of the many benefits include:
- Making divorce fast and simple - You have likely heard horror stories about what the divorce process can be like. Contentious divorces can drag out for years and cost tens of thousands in legal fees alone as spouses at war battle over each asset, often just to spite each other. When you have a strong prenuptial agreement, this does not happen. You will still need to settle any child custody concerns at the time of divorce, since a prenuptial agreement cannot be used to decide issues affecting children in advance. However, you will not need to resolve property disputes regarding assets controlled by the agreement.
- Ensuring financial security - If one of you outearns the other, you can agree on whether one of you would pay alimony and how you would divide things like retirement savings. For the lower-earning spouse, this removes a common substantial barrier to divorce. You will not need to worry that you will not be able to support yourself if you leave. The higher-earning spouse can give input into the amount of alimony he or she would be willing to pay, and will never need to worry that his or her spouse is only staying for the money.
- Financial awareness - One of the first steps to creating a prenuptial agreement is getting both parties' financial information out in the open. You and your spouse will go into marriage with a complete understanding of each other's assets and debts.
- Allowing you time to prepare yourself for divorce - Since there is no uncertainty as to how your marital property will be divided, you will know how to prepare yourself if you start considering divorce. You will know from the outset whether you will need to start working toward different career goals because alimony will only be temporary, for example.
- Protecting separate children - If you already have children from a previous relationship, you can use your prenuptial agreement to set aside a portion of your assets for your child's inheritance.
- Designating non-marital property - Although it seems simple enough to say that anything you owned before marriage would be yours to keep after divorce, the problem is that married couples tend to co-mingle their assets, making marital property of premarital property. You and your spouse can designate certain assets as individual property.
Contact a Rockville, MD Prenuptial Agreements Lawyer
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is committed to helping people successfully plan for marriage, which always comes with the potential for divorce, through prenuptial agreements. Our experienced Rockville, MD prenuptial agreements lawyers will work closely with you to make sure that your contract leaves you well-protected. Contact us at 301-560-2685 for a confidential consultation.