Germantown, MD Criminal Defense Attorney
Experienced Defense Attorney Fighting Criminal Charges in Germantown, MD
Being criminally prosecuted is one of the most stressful experiences life has to offer. Everything is at stake when you are facing charges. A criminal conviction, even for a minor offense, can derail your career path or educational goals. Any conviction that appears on a background check can threaten your ability to find a good job or even get an apartment in a safe neighborhood. Even if you are not sent to jail, you could be given probation, which can be time-consuming and incredibly inconvenient if you keep having to take time off from work to meet your court-ordered obligations. Criminal prosecution can interfere with every aspect of your life.
Diamant Gerstein, LLC is deeply committed to providing the best criminal defense possible. We work strategically, analyzing every aspect of your case in search of possible defenses. While you might feel like you are trapped and have no control over what is happening with your case, you have options. You can choose to go to trial and fight for acquittal, or have your attorney negotiate a beneficial plea agreement. Our attorneys will be there for you every step of the way.
DUI and Traffic Offenses
A large percentage of people facing criminal charges were driving when they were arrested. Traffic-related crimes make up a significant portion of all arrests. Part of the reason for this is that people are simply more likely to encounter the police while driving, and it is easy for the police to find a reason to initiate a traffic stop.
Some of the traffic-related crimes we can help with include:
- DUI - Drunk driving is an extremely common offense. It is very easy for people to not realize how intoxicated they are and think that they are sober enough to drive when they are not. A DUI can cost you your driving privileges for months or even years depending on the circumstances. Repeat DUIs are taken especially seriously.
- Driving without a license - Driving when you do not have a valid license, or even when you do have a valid license but accidentally left it at home, can lead to serious legal trouble. How serious your case is depends on factors like whether your license was suspended, and if so, why.
- Reckless Driving - Driving in a manner that reflects carelessness for the safety of those around you is considered reckless driving. Things like weaving in and out of traffic at a high speed can lead to a reckless driving charge.
Attorney for Assaultive Offenses
Assault can be charged as a misdemeanor or as a felony depending on the circumstances. If the victim was seriously injured or if you tried to seriously injure the victim, you can be charged with felony assault. You may also be charged with felony assault if you used a gun or other dangerous weapon - even if you never actually used the weapon to harm the victim.
While many states treat assault and domestic violence as two separate offenses, Maryland does not. Assaulting a family member or significant other will result in assault charges, however, the court will flag the case as a domestic incident. You may be monitored more closely or sentenced more harshly if you had a domestic relationship with the victim.
If your case involved an alleged assault against someone you lived with, you may be in a difficult position. A restraining order that forbids you from going to the victim's home is likely to be issued, even if the victim objects. This means that you cannot go home when you are released from jail and will need to find alternate accommodations right away.
Because crimes of violence carry such a stigma, it is important to find an aggressive lawyer who will fight back against these charges so you can go back to your normal life.
Contact a Germantown, MD Criminal Defense Attorney
Diamant Gerstein, LLC will fight to minimize the impact these charges will have on your life. Our experienced Germantown, MD criminal defense lawyers will do all we can to help you return to life as usual. Contact us at 301-560-2685 for a confidential consultation.